Putting Our Passion And Drive To Good Use For Our Clients

Robert S. Dorkin


Current Employment Position

  • Family Law Attorney
  • Family Law Mediator

Contact Me:


Please spend a few minutes getting to know me.

As you are wandering through the Internet looking for a Family Lawyer you ask, "How can I tell one attorney from another?" This attorney has great credentials, but so does this one." It is not an easy decision to make. It is a decision that may affect the rest of your life and the lives of your children.

Being a Family Lawyer takes someone who cares about people, works hard and loves what he or she is doing. A Family Lawyer must have patience. A Family Lawyer must be a good listener. It is easy to put issues in 'small boxes,' label them, and move on to the next issue. With the volume of cases in the Court system, Judges use labels to simplify cases; it is human nature.

What if my issues do not fit into 'small boxes'? That is when you need to be represented by someone who can convince a Judge that your case and your life deserve a second look, a short pause before the Court slaps a label on it and moves it down the line for 'processing.'

You need to be represented by someone who understands the system and how the system can work for you and your family. Some of you have heard the stories about what goes on in divorce cases, custody cases, support cases, and the like. Some of these stories are true, but you do not have to accept all of these outcomes as inevitable.

I believe that I can make a difference in your case and your life. I will work hard to help you achieve your goals. My job is to point you in the right direction. Give you options when there are realistic alternatives. I will give you the tools to help you reorganize your life. This is a collaboration, a team effort. You will make the final decisions. No two cases are alike. People are individuals, not a compilation of dollars and cents. Sometimes a case needs a dose of common sense.

If you are looking for an attorney with a practical view of the Court system and litigation, please contact me. Litigation does not have to be expensive. You need to use your resources carefully. I will tell you honestly where it makes sense to stop, pause, and ask the Court for a second look.

Bob Dorkin

Practice Areas:

  • Divorce & Qualified Family Law Mediator
  • Custody and parenting time
  • Alimony
  • Equitable Distribution of marital property
  • Settlement agreements
  • Prenuptial agreements
  • Child support
  • Domestic violence
  • Post-judgment enforcement of family law agreements
  • Post-judgment modification of family law agreements
  • Family law appeals
  • Removal of children from the State of New Jersey
  • Emancipation of children
  • Consultations with litigants mediating their family law issues


  • Syracuse University College of Law, Syracuse, New York
    • J.D., Doctor of Jurisprudence - 1977
  • Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
    • B.A. in Government - 1974
    • Honors: cum laude

Bar Admissions

  • New Jersey, 1977
  • U.S. Federal Courts, 1977

Professional Associations

  • New Jersey State Bar Association, Member, 1977
  • Union County Bar Association, Member, 1981
  • New Jersey State Bar Association, Family Law Section, Executive Committee, 2006 to 2008
  • Union County Bar Association, Family Law Committee, 1995
  • Early Settlement Panelist, Union County, 1988
  • Early Settlement Panelist, Essex County, 1998 to Present
  • Member of District XII, Union County, Ethics Committee, 1998 to 2003
  • Member of Board of Trustees, Banyan School, Fairfield, New Jersey, 2001 to 2013
  • Former President of the United Way of Eastern Union County
  • Lecturer on family law topics for New Jersey State Bar Association and Union County Bar Association